Alex Reviews

TV Shows: The Old Man

The Old Man
Season 2, episodes 1 & 2
Watched Sept 14

I watched the double-header of Disney's second season of The Old Man starring Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, as ex CIA and FBI agents. And, well, am unconvinced they should have done a second season. That is to say, it was in comparison to the first season, a very lacklustre start. The first season was full of mystery and intrigue, action and a few violent fights that, in these firs two episodes, was sadly lacking. We did, however, get a gruesome couple of shots showing a few dead and dismembered bodies, from a distance. But, as a whole, while answers are being given to questions posed in season one, I was left wondering what exactly the whole point is of this latest season?

Every one seems to be retirement age, and very unconvincing as it stands, and there's certainly no mystery to seemingly unravel, nor big secret, as was apparent in season one. Quite frankly, I was sat there wondering when the whole thing was going to get started. And, if all we're going to get is flashbacks, I might not make it to the end. Which, is a shame, given how good season one was.

Not feeling it. So-so ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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