Alex Reviews

TV Shows: Slow Horses S4 E5

Show Horses : Grave Danger
Season 4, episode 5
Watched Oct 02, 2024

Not only was last night's episode of Slow Horses glacially slow, it was also brutally boring right on up till it got violent and nasty at the end. Like it was lulling us into a false sense of dull tedium only to shock us awake as Patrice ... well, I've promised before to try not give too much away. So, in the interest of not spoiling it ...

Amid all the jaw waging and finger pointing, and endless filler that actually told us nothing we didn't already know, the comic book villain, Frank Harkness, sucked up way too much screen time giving us the lead in and premise for the violent ending. And why did Patrice not bother to bump off Flyte while he had the chance? It seemed incongruous to me. But then again, why did Frank leave Molly alive?

Annoyingly, and considering Lamb and Taverner are the central characters ... what? Oh, okay, River is too. Why oh why did we only get a couple of awkward scenes with either character in, again? Jackson driving around London arguing with Standish was not as much fun as seeing Lamb have another tete-a-tete with Taverner by the canal, or over ice cream.

And don't get me started on James Callis as Claude Whelan. Did we really need to know his nightly proclivities? Something I assume is in there for Taverner to exploit at some point in the last episode. And are we really nearly at the end of the season already?

I'm guessing they've saved all the interesting stuff for the last episode, as it seems Lamb and his team of misfits will, once again, be left to clean up David Cartwright's mess and thereby aid Taverner in the last reel to rid the park of Whelan. And Flyte? She's turning out to be an interesting character. I'm hoping we get to see much more of her in season 5, whenever we'll get to see that.

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