Alex Reviews

Thoughts on: A Murder at the End of the World

Far from being a shocking season ender for A Murder at the End of the World, as the media reviews would have you believe, the final episode in what we're told is season 1 (and please, god forbid there is a season 2) was lame, limp, lacking and depth or bite and, at barely 40 minutes long, rushed.

[possible spoilers ahead]

We already know that people are the problem, and that in trying to create AI to do everything for us is only asking for trouble on a scale unimaginable, unless you write/read/suck up scifi for breakfast. Then it's all been done before by writers with a little more savvy to the science. Not forgetting, this whole show was a not so subtle ripoff of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

One of the biggest problems with this show were, for me at least, the constant flashback to Darby and Bill's chase of a serial killer. This all felt like, at times, a lot of unnecessary filler. And while a lot of people are moaning that the series should have been longer, I felt it could have been condensed down into a taught movie, with less distractions. Instead, we were fed a meandering split narrative that never really fulfilled its potential to surprise or tell a complete story.

To be honest, this show felt like it should have been more about Darby and Bill and their complicated relationship, rather than a rushed look at what may lie ahead for us all if AI takes over the world we live in.

In the end, we were left with a lot of empty shells delivering an unnecessary pulpit message of warning, and not a story of love, hope, and redemption.

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