Alex Reviews

Slow Horses (S4, E1)

It feels like it's been a long time in coming but, in truth, the last season finished in December. So we've only had to wait 9 months (a little like a pregnancy?) for the birth of season 4. And was the wait worth it? Damn right it was.

As usual, there is always more going on than meets the eye, and the layers need to be carefully peeled away slowly, rather than ripped off like a band aid. So as to not miss anything, I, of course, had to watch this first opening episode a second time with a suitable 24 hours in between and, yep, it was as good as I thought.

The plot twists are already being piled on and we're only on the first episodes. So as to not offer up any spoilers, I'll say vaguely and cryptically that we all know what we see is not necessarily true, at least, not in this show.

Cleverly written, we have a handful of new faces to add their own personal wrinkles into the fabric both at Slough House and at the Park. Of course, I can't wait to see how Diana, Head of Operations at the Park and Second Desk, is going to deal with actor, James Callis, as Claude Whelan, the newly promoted Director General of MI5, or First Desk. Never mind Lamb's interactions with Ruth Bradley as Emma Flyte, the new Head of the Dogs.

The only down side is having to wait a whole week to see the next episode. Excruciating.

#Apple TV #Slow Horses #TV Shows